The United Administrators of San Francisco (UASF) is the official union organization charged with ensuring the equitable treatment and professional well being of its members by working to promote employment conditions that enable supervisory administrators of the school district to operate effectively.
UASF is responsible for developing and providing professional services and activities to promote the success of its membership.
UASF will represent, advocate and defend the rights and collective interest of its membership.
UASF, Local No. 3, is affiliated with American Federation of School Administrators AFL-CIO.
BLM Proclamation
We stand in solidarity with our Black students, staff and families, and we call for an end to police terror against them in San Francisco, California and across the United States…
View the complete proclamation below:
AAPI Resolution
The United Administrators of San Francisco UASF, American Federation of School Administrators AFL CIO Local 3 condemn all forms of hatred against Asian American and Pacific Islanders ignited by the COVID–19 pandemic and calls for the immediate action…
View the complete resolution below:
Photo by Mike Doherty