UASF Updates #23 - 4.16.21
UASF Officers and Directors Election Ballot- check your personal email; the poll is closing Friday 4/23/21 5PM. This is an Election Buddy secured election. Please note: Sonny Son-Hui’s name should read Sonny Son-Hui Wong. Per UASF By-laws the Director and Officer’s positions are separate though it can be held by the same person. Our apologies for any confusion.
Negotiations/Unions of SFUSD
4.12.21- Jolie and Joan attended the weekly meeting with the Unions of SFUSD. Each union shared the status of their MOU process.
4.13.21-Jolie contacted Greg John and informed the District that UASF was asking to get a mediator because there was no progress in reaching an agreement on our MOU. She also informed the District that UASF would convey this message to the Superintendent, BOE President Lopez, and acting HR Chief, Courtmey Graham.
4.13.21-Greg Johns contacted Jolie and said to move forward with a request for mediation.
4.13.21-Jolie put in a written request to the State Mediation | California Public Employment Relations Board for mediation for negotiations.
4.14.21-Jolie and Michael Essien met with the District negotiation team and informed them that we were requesting a State mediator because negotiations were not progressing.
4.15.21-Caroline spoke to Dr. Matthews regarding the request for pre-impasse mediation. Jolie spoke to President Lopez regarding the request for pre-impasse mediation.
4.15.21-The mediator that the District and UASF requested contacted Jolie to let UASF know that he would be the mediator. Jolie provided him with the contact information for Greg Johns. We hope to begin mediation in the next week or two.
4.16.21-Courtney contacted Jolie. Jolie explained to her that UASF was seeking pre impasse mediation.
CBA Article 4.9-Find & Scan Your 2020-2021 paid Professional Development Receipt(s) Reimbursement Form for PD will be sent to you soon.
4.9-The district will provide $350 per bargaining unit member each year for Professional
Development aligned to their Leadership Plan. In order to be reimbursed for this
professional development, members shall get written preapproval of the professional
development by their evaluator on a mutually agreed upon form. Members will submit
these pre approvals and receipts to the Union.
The Union will submit a monthly request for reimbursement of all members’ professional
development on one agreed upon form. The Union shall maintain copies of the receipts for three fiscal years and produce them to the District upon request. Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted no later than June 30 of the fiscal year in which the professional development occurred.
UASF General Membership Meeting
4.15.21-UASF General Membership Meeting-The UASF Ex. Bd. and EDs met with the general membership to update members on the status of negotiations and to get their input regarding suggested action steps to get our Reopening Schools MOU in place. One of the strong recommendations was for all UASF members to be visibly united in solidarity. All of the recommendations will be reviewed by the UASF Officers on Monday for a decision as to the most feasible strategic and powerful next steps. There was also a discussion about the importance of continuing to negotiate the current MOU even though members are back at sites. This is important because we are still pushing for compensation for our members. In addition, whatever we can reach agreement on this spring can hopefully put some agreements in place that can be carried over into the fall reopening.
UASF Solidarity Virtual Backdrop- will be sent soon.
There are a few steps that we can put in place now such as a UASF solidarity backdrop which we would like all members to use during their virtual meetings. Yes, you can continue your advocacy with those in your circle of relationships: BOE members, Chiefs and the Superintendent to support agreement to our UASF In-Person & Hybrid MOU.
-NOW- you did not have the opportunity to complete the negotiations survey we sent last Friday, please take a few minutes to do so now. We will use this survey to advise our negotiations in addition to our discussions with the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and BOE. 19 members volunteered to assist in tasks to support UASF securing a signed MOU. Joan will email them to see if any of them would be willing to speak at the upcoming BOE meeting in support of UASF getting a signed MOU.
4.20.21-Speakers in support of UASF securing a signed MOU-UASF will speak at the upcoming BOE meeting regarding the importance of our MOU being in place. If any of you, especially Wave 1 site administrators, are interested in speaking at the BOE meeting this Tuesday, please email Joan at or call/text her at 415-828-7157 or email Jolie at or call/text her at 415-730-3002 and they will send you some talking points and give you feedback on your presentation if you wish.
Internal Meetings
4.14.21-Administrative Assistant meeting with Joan and Debra-We discussed the process for maintaining current membership status, reviewed the budgets, and reviewed the process for approving the $350 reimbursements for PD.
4.13.21-ED weekly meeting-The EDs met to finalize agendas for the meetings with the General Membership, the Officers’, Deputy Ford Morthel, and the Superintendent and his Leadership Team. We also reviewed the draft of the form for members to request up to a $350 reimbursement for PD. We discussed the document Debra compiled that shows all of the increased responsibilities that have been placed on our members. We want to use it as the justifiable rationale for requesting additional compensation for our members.
4.12.21-Joan, Jolie, Debra, Michael, Tai, Caroline, Silvia met to plan the UASF general membership meeting.
4.9.21-After the negotiation session, Joan, Jolie, Caroline, Tai, Michael, and Silvia met to develop the member survey and identified action steps as a result of stalled negotiations on a return to hybrid and in-person learning MOU.
District Meetings
4.15.21-Caroline spoke with the Superintendent at 7 am to notify him of UASF requesting a pre-impasse mediator. She also shared the member survey results and cited evidence provided in negotiations of additional responsibilities and work UA members have done, and are doing to successfully re-open schools for hybrid and in-person learning.
4.15.21- Jolie spoke with the BOE President Lopez at 12:30 pm to notify her of UASF requesting a pre impasse mediator. She also shared the member survey results and cited evidence provided in negotiations of additional responsibilities and work UASF members have done, and are doing to successfully re-open schools for hybrid and in-person learning.
4.15.21-Meeting with Deputy Ford Morthel and Joya Balk and the EDs-The EDs attended the monthly meeting. We reviewed the survey data from the last UASF survey.
Other agenda items included: Reviewing status of the UASF MOU Standstill and the request for a State Mediator, the cost to recruit and hire site leaders, that our members need to feel supported and appreciated and that the articles we are proposing in our MOU are critical for our members, EED Site Leaders need to always be included in all that impacts them with reopening, our members need the same protocol to request accommodations as UESF, and we asked and emphasized that if a class needs to be canceled due to no sub assigned by 4 pm the prior day, who else other than the principal can notify the parents and what can be done if the student shows up anyway?
4/12/2021 Debra and Jolie Meeting with Karen Sullivan and Elizabeth Lee, from Facilities. The UASF Office will need to be relocated because the old FS Key building will be demolished making way for construction of educator housing beginning late summer. We are seeking an empty SFUSD classroom or bungalow, please let us know if you can accommodate UASF.
4/12/2021-Many UASF members inquired about the responsibility for timeroll reporting for the 2021-2022 SY. Below is the information we received from Diana Fairley in payroll.
Diana Fairley, Director of Payroll Operations’ response to your questions regarding the roles and responsibilities that will be assigned for processing Time and Attendance in the new SAP Employee Information System in July 2021.
In general:
Employees will have access to the Workforce Time and Attendance Module (WFS) where they will input their own time worked, as well as request any time off.
Only Supervisors/Managers will approve this time in WFS (no change from current process in Timeroll).
Supervisors/Managers can delegate access to others (i.e. a Timekeeper) to allow them to make changes to employees' time and/or run reports on their behalf.
The current list of Timekeepers (Timeroll Clerks) will be added and delegated this access upon GoLive.
Future changes to this access will be made by Supervisors/Managers.
Cell Phone Reimbursement for retroactive payment dating back to August 2020 has an April 30th deadline. After that date you can only be reimbursed for the current month.
The info can be located on the employee intranet at the following path: HOME > EMPLOYEE HOME > EMPLOYEE SERVICES > PAYROLL OPERATIONS & HR SALARY UNIT
Here is a direct link to the info form (app link is in the form):