UASF Updates #12 – 2.5.21

Negotiations/Meet and Confer/Caucus

2.1.21-Joan and Jolie attended the weekly Unions of SFUSD meeting. There was a lively discussion on whether or not union members would be willing to go back to in-person learning if all the health and safety protections are in place in the red tier if a complete course of COVID-19 vaccine is available to all staff, or the orange tier for two weeks (without vaccine availability). Each union was asked to get input from their members on this issue.

2.2.21-UASF held an emergency Board of Directors and Negotiation team meeting to discuss the issue above. Jolie reviewed the topics still under negotiation between the Unions of SFUSD and the District. Joan explained the colored tiers for reopening and led a discussion on the difference between opening in the red tier with vaccinations or the orange tier if vaccines were not available. The Board of Directors supported opening in the red tier if members were able to be vaccinated or the orange tier if vaccines were not available. Jolie gave an update on the MOU between UASF and SFUSD, which is still in the beginning stages.  Our last negotiation date was Dec. 6, 2021. We were set to negotiate February 4, 2021,  but the District canceled our session.  Our tentative new date to negotiate is February 10, 2021. 

2.3.21-Joan and Jolie attended a caucus with the Unions of SFUD where our latest full proposal was discussed and revised in preparation for negotiations with the District on Health and Safety Guidelines scheduled for February 5, 2021.

2.3.21-Unions of SFUSD and Labor Council Press Release-Response to the City’s lawsuit against SFUSD and the BOE. UASF is an active participant with the other Unions of SFUSD working on Health and Safety procedures to open schools safely. The UASF logo was left off in error but is in full support of the following press release.

2.4.21-Negotiations Cancelled-At the last minute, the district cancelled a negotiation session scheduled for this day, on Article 4.9, regarding professional development. It will have to be rescheduled. 

2.5.21-Unions of SFUSD Press Conference-This morning the Unions of SFUSD held a press conference with approximately 113 attendees which included approximately 10 members of UASF and the three EDs, the members of the Unions of SFUSD, members from the various unions, BOE Commissioners Moliga, Alexander and Lopez, BOS members, and District level Chiefs and managers from various departments including Legal and Labor. President Satoda was one of the speakers and she did an excellent job representing UASF members. You can view and download the full press conference at the Dropbox link located HERE. Please forward this link to anyone who may want or need access to it.

2.5.21-Joan and Jolie participated in a  negotiation session with the Unions of SFUSD  and  the District.  Our caucus began at 9:00 am and negotiations  with the District began at 10 am. We are still meeting as of 5:30 pm today and will continue into the evening. We presented our full proposal and the District presented their counter which we are reviewing for a response.

Prior Phone Reimbursement MOU

Here is a direct link to the info form (app link is in the form):


Meetings with the District

2.1.21-SFUSD Workgroups with UASF UASF Representatives, including Erin Lynch, participated in the return to school work groups. Here is a link to a folder with the presentation, as well as the zoom recording and chat transcript.

2.3.21-Superintendent’s Meeting-Over 130 site leaders including executive board members and Caroline participated in the biweekly Superintendent’s meeting with site leaders at which he shared information presented to the BOE Committee of the Whole. Dr. Matthews also explained his perspective on the proposed lawsuit by the mayor and the city. Caroline attended the media event later in the day at which Dr. Matthews and President Lopez spoke about the lawsuit and the district’s plan for reopening schools for hybrid and in person learning.

Upcoming Cohort Meetings

2.11.21-Middle School Principals will meet with Joan and UASF Directors Michael Stachon and Michael Essien following the LEAD meeting.

2.11.21-K-8 Principals and Assistant Principals will meet with UASF Treasurer Patty Harmon and Jolie following their LEAD Cohort 4 meeting.

This Past Week’s Cohort Meetings

2.1.21 PGD meeting Sharon and Caroline convened the monthly PGD UASF members’ meeting to discuss and share information about budget, vaccinations and BOE commissioners’ commitment to establishing communication structures with members.

2.3.21 Central Office Lunch Meeting Administrators 12  in attendance with Debra. Discussions: How do we partner with or support Administrators at Wave 1,2,3 schools? We would need advance notice, flexibility in our own work, training and clear expectations.  What can we expect for 2021-2022 Budget Cuts? Fear of notification of our contracts as May or May Not Renew, TSA consolidations. Our CO administrators with seniority returning to school site administration should get priority HR handling, job posting information and interviews. TSA evaluations conversation- short forms with short affirmative summary, long forms with summary of performance noting current working conditions due in April. 

2.4.21 EED Meeting- Nancy Lambert Campbell and Debra 12 attendees- EE Principals have been requesting and yet to have clear communications and timely (2-3 weeks) prior notification of due dates for in-person preparation and classroom readiness. They need updated student return survey data and updated staff return data. They want input into staffing with the hopes the sites assigned teachers will return yet they can use additional staff for subs, security, and hope for more para hours for the TK classes. Principals said they benefited by having this cohort time to share ideas for readiness and instructional planning. Ravi and coaches are supporting the site readiness especially for the many co-located sites. 


2.4.21-High School Principal Cohort-Joan and Shari Balisi Manalang, UASF Director, met with the High School Principals. There were 19 Principals in attendance. The Principals addressed a number of issues including: the need for the District to routinely PR and share with the public all of the work being done by site leaders and their staff to provide Distance Learning, the need for at least five different hybrid models for scheduling and curriculum, the need to take a stance to waive state testing, and that they just learned that College Board informed them that AP tests are to be done in person. UASF will work to support site leaders by addressing these areas with the District and/or BOE.

Petition to Opt Out of 2021 CAASPP Testing

All Site Leaders, if you have not already done so, please strongly consider signing this petition via this form in solidarity and to act as an advocate for your students and families; and finally 2) circulate this message to site leaders and the accompanying letter so we can gather as much support as humanly possible. We will add names as we receive them.

Updated CDPH COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020-2021 School Year

10 seats left- CalSTRS Retirement Workshop RSVP 
Thursday, February 25, 2021 4-5PM


UASF Flash Update #13 – 2.7.21


UASF Updates #11 – 1.29.21