Good News – Solidarity Matters

Dear UASF Bargaining Unit Members,

Thank you to the two thirds of our passionate and solution-oriented members who participated in the meeting last night. 

You spoke your truth, we heard you, we acted swiftly, and our district leaders listened.

  1. Early this morning, I contacted Dr. Matthews. They discussed your collective concerns about site leaders returning to their schools to work and the timeline for that.

  2. Then, the Co-Executive Directors-Debra Eslava-Burton, Jolie Wineroth and Joan Hepperly and I met with Chief of Labor, Greg John and with Deputy Superintendent Ford Morthel to talk in more depth about these issues.

  3. As a result of these meetings, the Superintendent has agreed that the return dates are on hold as UASF continues our discussion with the District through Labor Relations.

  4. You will be receiving an official notice from the District that the November 16th and November 30th return dates are on hold. 

  5. UASF has a scheduled negotiations session this Friday regarding UASF members’ returning to worksites during COVID-19. We will send you a brief update after that meeting.

  6. In consideration of this decision, we will change the statements that the UASF representative will be reading to the BOE this evening.  We will forward that statement to you later today. 

  7. In the spirit of improving communication and transparency, we want to share this news with you as soon as possible.

In Solidarity,

Caroline Satoda,
UASF President


UASF Updates #3 – 11.20.20


UASF Updates #2 – 11.13.20